Helmet Awareness Tales
In this article, we have covered the “Helmet Awareness Tales” in English. It is a very simple moral story. The story in this article is easily narrated.
People usually say many reasons for not wearing Helmet like I’m a good driver I don’t need Helmet or I’m going for short distance etc.. They are not understanding the value of Helmet. This story is just to make aware of how important wearing an Helmet is.
Story type
The story “ Helmet Awareness Tales” is an awareness story to tell how important Helmet is.
Characters in the story
An Young boy A Traffic Police A Teacher
Helmet Awareness Tales story
There was a Traffic Constable whose daily job was to stop people in traffic who violates traffic rules and take money from them and leave.
The Cow and the Tiger
One day while he was coming from his work, he saw a 16-year-old boy Drinking. He then goes and see and find that it is his son.
He gets very angry and hits him and then asks “who taught you all these things”? Then the boy says that our sir taught him.
So that policeman gets very angry and goes to fight with that sir and asks him ” If you teach such a thing to him, who is responsible if anything happened to him”?
To which the sir says that if your son drinks at the age of 16, he will get health issues after 40-50. If you feel like that, “you are leaving many people who don’t follow traffic rules, who don’t wear helmets, if you leave those people if anything happened to them, what is their family situation?“.
We cannot accept the health problems that our children will face if they drink or smoke. But why don’t you care if they ride a bike without wearing a helmet ?
Even Smoking and drinking has at least some years of lifespan but driving without Helmet has no lifespan.
Encouraging regular helmet use helps children develop the habit of protecting themselves and can significantly reduce the risk of head injuries.
Wear helmets, ride safely!
Nice story
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